
Welcome to Using the Connect!

Using The Connect, or UTC, is a game-based learning program that uses gameplay to equip youth with age-appropriate sexual and reproductive health knowledge and skills. UTC aims to:

  • Create safe connections between youth and trusted adults
  • Teach age- and developmentally-appropriate sexual and reproductive health content
  • Build skills to lead healthy lives (accessing credible information, effective communication, and decision-making)

Program Overview

UTC consists of 4 games played in a facilitated environment, 1 take-away activity that youth complete independently, and one program wrap-up activity. Each activity and game focuses on a different skill set. Through playing these games, youth will gain a solid knowledge base of sexual and reproductive health information and skills for making healthy choices. 

Adolescence is a difficult time for many youth as they begin experiencing changes to their minds and bodies. Youth often face mixed messages and mixed emotions, leaving them confused about what to do or questioning what is “right.” UTC reminds youth that everyone has different experiences throughout adolescence and provides supportive messages and resources. It uses trauma-informed techniques to help youth work through their emotions and feelings. Lastly, it allows them time to practice the skills developed through the program, so they are comfortable using them in real life situations.

Making Connections

is a take-away activity that builds adult-youth connections by guiding healthy conversations.

The Sum of the Parts

focuses on adolescent growth and development. It teaches youth about changes that happen to people’s minds and bodies as they grow and develop.

Tapped In

teaches youth how to access credible sources of health information, so they can get the correct information when they have questions.

More Than Words

encourages youth to identify and practice positive communication skills around sexual and reproductive health topics.

Stop. Think. Act.

has youth practice a decision-making model to think through their options for a given scenario and make the healthiest decision.