Total Teen



Increase access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services in primary care settings. 


Increase access to mental healthcare services in primary care settings. 


Improve adolescent patient experiences in healthcare settings.

Total Teen is a standardized set of clinical processes that integrates sexual and mental health into all primary care visits for adolescent patients ages 12+. Total Teen includes an adolescent health assessment, immediate care, and referrals based on identified needs. 

Watch the video below to see the patient experience when clinics implement Total Teen!

Program Benefits

Efficiently assess and address adolescent patients for sexual health and mental health needs

Streamline and standardize a holistic approach to adolescent health without increasing the burden on providers

Key Steps to Implement Total Teen

(1) Map + Modify CliniC Workflow

Your organization will map out a new clinic workflow for patient visits to ensure adolescents can complete the Total Teen questionnaire and confidentially discuss results and needs with providers. 

During this time, providers will: 

  • Define patient-provider confidentiality
  • Discuss assessment results
  • Determine whether patients would benefit from a micro visit or specialty referral
  • Allow time for the patients to ask questions or discuss concerns

(2) Identify Micro-Visit Providers + Referral Pipeline

To ensure the delivery of appropriate follow-up care corresponding to the patients' assessments, identify and select suitable providers capable of conducting immediate or subsequent micro-visits tailored specifically to the needs of the adolescents. Furthermore, maintaining an up-to-date roster of service providers known for their youth-friendly approach is crucial for facilitating warm handoffs and making efficient, effective referrals. 

(3) Update the EMR/EHR

The Total Teen assessment scores should be imported to your clinic’s EMR/EHR to document results. The program package includes an EMR form to support this update! 

The program package and onboarding process provides you with all resources and tools needed to adopt and sustain the principles of Total Teen, ensuring the new process is streamlined to become standard practice for adolescent appointments. Our team will walk you through the process to ensure your success!


For more information, contact: 

Christi Esquivel | Project Director

For organizations currently implementing Total Teen, click here to login to your account and access program materials electronically.